Thanks for taking your time to visit my site, l guess I should introduce myself, well I'd say, I am Andy first and foremost, curious, here to learn and experience life and the uniqueness of human beings. I'm committed to showing people how life can be when they have the courage to embrace their unique strengths, being the same person at work as at home. I believe that every human being has unique genius, real power and impact, and a delightful ability to dream. Despite my serious picture, I'm smiling inside I assure you.
Let me overshare with you, I grew up in a small Dorset village, went to a regular comprehensive school and I would say I was ‘generally academically a bit rubbish’ – spending most of my time looking out of the window or standing outside of the classroom for causing too much merriment in the classroom itself. At an early age I was aware that I was different, I didn’t understand why and tried very hard to fit in or just make people laugh.
Later in life I realised that part of this difference was about being gay, apparently everyone else knew before me, how annoying that they didn't tell me. From school I went straight to work as an engineering and design apprentice, studying Computer Science weekly at Southampton Solent University. I moved between work in design and technology, moving to London in 1998 where I joined PwC as an Cyber Security consultant focused in the Financial Services and Telecommunications industries. In 2006 I was invited into the PwC Partnership.
I've spent the majority of my time as a Partner in the Government and Public Sector business focusing on large scale multi-year international programmes for the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), specialising in leadership coaching and development, organisational development and client / customer / citizen led transformation.
Most recently I undertook a two year cycle of experience as the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for PwC UK, transforming the firm's sales, marketing and client experience capabilities to bring the firm’s people closer to their clients. I am a 2020 Finalist for the MCA Outstanding Achievement Award. I build, develop and lead complex, diverse, and inclusive leadership teams globally and I'm delighted to say that I'm now an author.
You can find out more about my career and professional life on my LinkedIn profile